Established in the Fall of 2019 in Brooklyn, NY, PEPS WORLD is curated by a modern man passionate about authenticity. Kwaku Peps started the business out of a passion for Men and Women accessories - watches, bracelets, necklaces, etc. The idea was to connect customers to quality products and reputable vendors. Inspired by the classic trend, the vision was to provide on-trend women and men with an outlet to express their distinctiveness and to THINK ELEGANCE. Peps’ personal brand is rooted in the concept of dressing elegantly.  PEPS WOLRD is now rebranded to inspire our generation to live a life geared towards becoming prolific and creating a legacy. The brand was established in New York, hence  PEPS WORLD, New York. The journey of inspiration started here in New York and is extending across the nation, and even internationally to remind the generation that aspiration is a matter of time. Here in New York we are inspired by the tagline “ IF YOU CAN MAKE IT HERE, YOU CAN MAKE IT ANYWHERE”. The message goes to all youth who have dreams, to believe it, live it, achieve and to leave a legacy. 

Explore the site with extreme confidence. We hope this brand inspire you to THINK ELEGANCE.